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March Treacle Market – Macclesfield

Macclesfield Town Centre

From this month, I'm a regular trader at this WONDERFUL market in lovely Macclesfield - the brilliant Treacle Market! This...

Mossley Hill Makers Market

St Matthew & St James Church L18

Very excited to take part in this event, it only happens twice a year! Great reason not to miss a...

West Kirby Makers Market

St Andrew's Church West Kirby

Join me in the beautiful Wirral town for amazing goodies!

St Barnabas GOOD Market

St Barnabas Church, Penny Lane, Liverpool

The GOOD Market is back in the beautiful St Barnabas Church on Penny Lane!

Pop-Up in the Palmhouse

Palm House, Sefton Park, Liverpool

The one and only, the amazing Pop-Up in the Palm House (Winter Edition) is happening in Sefton Park!